Friday, 7 February 2025

Speckles and Frenchy Turn 7

Speckles (far left) and Frenchy (middle) turned 7 years old last month.
We've never had pet hens live so long before! They are 'grandmas'!
Lexi the white leghorn is about 5 years old.
Speckles is an inquisitive hen. We love her fluffy face and beard. 
Frenchy is moulting and she has lost half her tail feathers. 
The 4 happy hens sit under a tree in the corner.
They are all beginning to moult.
Coco (the grey hen) is about 5 years old, about the same age as Lexi.
Speckles, Frenchy, Coco and Lexi eat laying pallets from a bowl.

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Dirt Bath Dirty

Coco feels the summer heat in Western Australia

and she loves to have dirt baths to cool down. 

 Coco likes to walk around dirty without shaking the dirt off.
Coco takes hours to preen herself after a dirt bath.
Our little grey hen has turned brown!
Coco is dirt bath dirty.

Monday, 30 December 2024

Lydia didn't take many good photos of the hens on Christmas Day
this year. From left, here's Frenchy, Speckles and Coco waiting
for their morning feed of lettuce on 25th December 2024.
Half-sisters Frenchy and Speckles are nearly 7 years old,
whilst Coco is approximately 5 years old.
Lexi, the white leghorn, makes an appearance.
Lexi is about 5 years old and is a beautiful, placid, sweet hen.
Merry Christmas from the 2x 2 Happy Hens!

Saturday, 9 November 2024

Birthday Secret Egg Stash

Lydia went away for a long weekend in early October and the
hens suddenly went off the lay. On Lydia's birthday, she
found a secret stash of eggs in a hideaway nest in the garden!
Frenchy laid the 4 darker brown speckled eggs
and Speckles laid the 2 creamy coloured eggs.
Speckles stands in front of the secret hideaway
nest in a ground-creeper vine in the backyard.

Friday, 8 November 2024

Coco Goes Broody in Spring

Every spring, Coco goes broody and this October was no exception.
We didn't want to give Coco fertile eggs and have baby chicks,
so we put up with her broody behaviour for a few weeks. 
Coco goes flighty when she's broody.
Here she is standing on top of the A-frame coop with Frenchy
and Lexi sitting on the ground in the background.
Coco is locked out of the Taj Mahal coop so she sits on top of the
external nesting box roof, flat as a pancake and not impressed. 
Coco is all fluffed up and broody.
Close up photo of Coco.
Coco is extra affectionate and cuddly when she's broody.
She's definitely a "mummy's girl".

Monday, 19 August 2024

Three Hens in a Nest

You know it's cold when the hens cuddle up in the Taj Mahal coop!
Frenchy sits in the nesting box by herself on the left.
Speckles and Lexi are squished in together in the other
nesting box, with Coco perched on front of the box.
A close-up photo of 3 hens in a nest.
Half-sisters Frenchy and Speckles share a nest in the Taj Mahal coop.
Lexi and Speckles sit in the nest together whilst 
Frenchy sits by herself in the nest on the left. 

Saturday, 3 August 2024

Winter Weeds

We've had a wet winter with lots of rain, making the weeds grow fast.
Coco and Speckles walk through the weeds.
Lexi stands in the green weeds which she likes to eat.
Left to Right: Speckles, Lexi and Frenchy. Triple trouble!
Coco is no where to be seen.