Today is exactly one year since Curry and Giblet came to live with us.
One year of fun, fun, fun and about 100 kilos of chook poo!
Not to mention dozens of lovely fresh eggs.
The snail population has gone from about a million down to about two snails rarely seen alive in the yard! My friend Jenny would love to see the end to "snail parties" in the wet weather at home!
Weeds (especially the dreaded onion weed) have been greatly diminished and gobbled up as "chicken spaghetti" and no more problems with lawn beetle or slaters!
There has been an enormous improvement in our soil quality which is almost as good as Pete's vegie patch (as seen on Gardening Australia TV show!)
Below is one of my all-time favourite photos of Curry who is such a funny chicken. Miss Dora the Explorer loves to jump in cars the minute you open the door!
Maybe I should sell the photo to Toyota for their new advertising campaign?!
Oh what a feeling, Toyota!