Sunday, 15 July 2012

Eat My Bed

The 2 Happy Hens have had a mini "bedding crisis" lately as the only straw supplier in town sold the business and the new owners don't stock bales of straw any more - bugger!  Everyone told us to use hay instead but after much research, hay is not recommended for lining the nesting boxes as it can breed a fungus that is detrimental to hens health.  "Aspergillosis" is a respiratory disease (brooder pneunomia) that can be prevented by using straw instead of hay. 

We were running very low on straw and didn't have enough to fully line the 2 Happy Hens' nesting boxes which also doubles as their bed.  Lydia got some shredded paper from work and put that in the bottom of the two boxes and placed the remaining straw on top.  Lydia thought she was doing a great job recycling shredded paper using it for bedding for her pets. The light straw topping gradually disappeared as Curry and Giblet nested and played with it. 

Last Saturday when Lydia was at work, Gerard phoned her to tell her that the 2 Happy Hens were eating their bed – YES - they were eating the shredded paper in huge mouthfuls!  Giblet laid a huge egg (as big as a duck egg!) and then stood up and started eating the shredded paper in her nesting box!  She was literally eating her bed!  Curry came along and started scoffing the shredded paper as well!  Gerard quickly came to the rescue and stopped the feeding frenzy!

We have temporarily resorted to using hay chaff whilst we wait for more straw supplies to be delivered to the feed supplier due to popular demand.

We knew chickens ate polystyrene foam boxes but not shredded paper!
 They are the funniest pets ever!

Unfortunately Gerard never took any photos of the "Eat My Bed" event which certainly won't be repeated.  Lydia wishes she was at home that day to capture the classic moment on camera.....
Photo of Miss Giblet
(who is still moulting a little bit in the picture)