Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Spring Rose

 Our friends Mick and Kat kindly gave us this beautiful pink
 rose bush before they left town and moved interstate.
It had a beautiful spring blossom.
The flower had a lovely old English rose perfume.
Curry liked to sleep under the rose.
 Giblet liked to sit in the hole Curry made underneath the rose bush.
The bad lighting in this photo makes Giblet
 look a darker red colour than she really is!
The 2 Happy Hens cuddle and snooze under the pink rose bush.
Curry tilts her head back fast asleep.
This is Curry's classic sleeping pose.

Saturday, 27 October 2012

The Pecking Order

Curry and Giblet were 2 Happy Hens until.....

the "intruder" Chilli arrived!
The pecking order for the hen hierarchy had begun!

Chilli crouched down low in fear of the 2 Happy Hens.

Chilli even hid behind the air conditioning compressor to escape.

Being a small hen meant that Chilli was flexible enough to
hide under the nesting box in the coop.

 Chilli lays low in fear of being bullied by Curry and Giblet
who are drinking from a little watering can.

Chilli keeping a low profile near Miss Giblet. 

Nearly 2 weeks after Chilli arrived, Chilli retaliates and gives Curry a peck!

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Introducing Chilli

On 11th October 2012, a 6 month old Isabrown hen
named "Chilli" came to join the 2 Happy Hens.
Curry and Giblet are not very impressed with the new "intruder".

Chilli is an energetic pullet and is like a mini "Road Runner" bird.
She likes to jump on the pot plants and eat the juicy
tips off the aloa vera plants and succulents!

 Chilli came from the same Perth chicken breeder as Curry and Giblet
 so they are probably distant relatives!
Chilli may be the 2 Happy Hens' great, great grand-neice?!

Chilli is having a "coop induction" and she still has to learn
that the coop is also the place where she sleeps at night.
Chilli's natural instinct is to roost in a high place like on top of the coop or in a tree!

 Chilli had already started laying eggs when we bought her.
She has laid 3 eggs in the first 3 days in her new home.
Chilli likes to make deep nests in the straw and pops the egg out quickly
(unlike Curry and Giblet who took ages to lay an egg in their younger hen days).

Saturday, 6 October 2012

A Box Of Chicken

This series of photos were taken in May 2012
when the 2 Happy Hens were experiencing their first full moult.
Curry and Giblet like to play in the storage box when it is not full of straw.
Here we have a box of chicken!

Curry wants to get out of the box.

Curry stands on the edge of the box and opens her beak to say "hello".

Curry changes her mind and decides it is more fun being
in the box rather than being perched on the box.
You can see Giblet's tail poking out of the box as she scratches through the straw.

 Curry gets comfortable.

Curry gets clucky and starts to make a nest, leaning over for straw.

Curry is happy being in her new nest.
Time for Curry to have a nap.


Hello Miss Giblet!