Saturday 26th January 2013
Happy Australia Day from the
2 Happy Hens!
This blog post will show you some fresh, home grown 'Aussie eggs'.
Giblet laid her last egg on 21st December 2012. It was absolutely enormous,
as you can see from the egg in the back row on the left hand side.
Giblet's last egg had a double-yolk which she had never produced before.
Chilli is an egg machine and lays light brown coloured eggs
(middle row of photos).
Chilli laid an egg every day for 6 weeks
straight until she had a day off laying!
Nestle laid her first egg on 3rd January 2013
only 4 days after she joined Chilli in the yard.
Nestle's eggs are a light cream colour (front row of photos)
and are a decent size for a newly laying pullet hen.
Normally, the egg gets bigger as the hen gets older.