Wednesday, 24 April 2013


Earlier this month, Chilli did not lay any eggs in her  nesting box
 in the coop for four days. Lydia was suspicious and went looking
 for the secret stash of eggs in the garden, only to find Chilli
caught in the act sitting on a nest in the grass.
Chilli was very comfortable in her nest and had a little sleep.
Nestle comes along and finds Chilli sitting in her grass nest. Busted!
"Hey, what are you doing in there Miss Chilli?"
Chilli looks very happy and proudly shows off
one of the eggs she is sitting on.
Chilli gets ready to lay another egg in the nest.
  Chilli starts egg is coming.....
 More pushing, pushing....
Look! There's already 3 eggs in the nest!
Hooray! Chilli lays an egg which is the fourth one in the nest.
You can see the new, fresh egg shiny at the back on the nest.
Chilli's nest eggs.
Four fresh eggs.
Nestle stands tall in the grass, as if on guard duty near Chilli's nest.
Nestle wants to be close to the egg action!

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Nestle Nap

 Hello Nestle! 
What are you doing sitting there?
Are you a little bit sleepy?
 Somebody is looking a little bit tired.....
Time for some Nestle naps.