Monday, 16 September 2013

Dirt Bath

Nestle and Chilli like to have a dust bath under the trees.
 Chilli looks happy and cute sleeping in her dust bath.
Nestle is lying low so you can't see her head.
 Chilli  fluffs herself up so that she can coat herself in a cloud of dirt.
Nestle camoflagues well with the brown dirt! 
 Nestle's tail fluffs up ready for some dirt bath action whilst Chilli sleeps.
 The 2 Happy Hens are sleeping beauties.
 Nestle looking very relaxed in her dirt bath.
Chilli is ready for some post-dust-bath preening whilst
Nestle is still sitting in the dirt bath in the background.
 Chilli preens her tail first.
Chilli sits down. 
  Chilli preens her shoulder.
More preening... it's amazing how flexible a chicken's neck is!

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Esperance Poultry Show 2013

Gerard promised fans of the 2 Happy Hens blog that we
would show some photos of poultry exhibited at the Esperance
Poultry Show held in Western Australia in July 2013. 
Lydia took dozens of chicken photos at the show and has
 chosen just a few of her favourites to post on her blog.  
The 2 Happy Hens (Nestle and Chilli) were home alone for
a few days whilst Lydia and Gerard escaped to Esperance for
 the poultry show and to relax by the sea for a few days.
We returned home to 2 Sooky Hens and a destroyed yard 
with holes and dirt dug everywhere! Many thanks to our good
friend Laurie for "Chick Sitting" whilst we were away!
 A pair of large white birds.
The hen had a floppy comb which flopped from
 side to side as she moved her head.
 Big birds!
 The White Sussex breed was a feature of this year's poultry show.
This hen just laid an egg!
Strange to see the hen sitting next to the egg and not ON the egg...?
 A pair of black and white beauties separated in different cages.
A stunning little rooster.
His feathers would be great for Lydia's millinery work! 
 A pair of fancy bantams.
 A naked neck frizzle. 
 Another naked neck.
Wow, that is the fattest chicken neck I have ever seen!
A black naked neck hen.