Nestle and Chilli like to have a dust bath under the trees.
Chilli looks happy and cute sleeping in her dust bath.
Nestle is lying low so you can't see her head.
Nestle is lying low so you can't see her head.
Chilli fluffs herself up so that she can coat herself in a cloud of dirt.
Nestle camoflagues well with the brown dirt!
Nestle's tail fluffs up ready for some dirt bath action whilst Chilli sleeps.
The 2 Happy Hens are sleeping beauties.
Nestle looking very relaxed in her dirt bath.
Chilli is ready for some post-dust-bath preening whilst
Nestle is still sitting in the dirt bath in the background.
Chilli preens her tail first.
Chilli sits down.
Chilli preens her shoulder.
More preening... it's amazing how flexible a chicken's neck is!