The Goldfields Poultry Club was formed in 2014 and is dedicated
to promoting the keeping, breeding and showing of various breeds of
chickens, waterfowl and other varieties of rare poultry in Australia.
The club is purely a not-for-profit organisation run
by a team of hard-working, enthusiastic volunteers.
On Sunday the 16th November 2014, the Goldfields Poultry Club held its
inaugural poultry auction and sale as a public fundraising activity to go
towards the club's cage-building project for next year's community fair.
The crowds flocked early to view the poultry for auction and sale.
Club President Shannon feeds the poultry.
The poultry sold fast and you can already see some empty cages.
Shannon gives Paul some expert advice.
The shed area was jam packed - standing room only!
Club member Marita and onlookers study the young poultry kept in handmade cages.
Club Treasurer Chris (left) and Vice President Paula (right)
are proud of their poultry.
A trio of poultry are ready to be taken home in boxes.
Steve and Sophie from Goldfields Stockfeeds sold poultry feed and supplies
on the day and generously donated some money to the club.
Sophie gives Goldfields Stockfeeds the thumbs up!
The Goldfields Poultry club appreciates your support, thanks very much.
Steve makes a sale.
The three hens looks comfortable in a cardboard nesting
box as they leave the poultry auction and sale.
Take-away chicken!
Some grey coloured chickens are ready for a new home.
The children are fascinated by their new family members.
Girls just want to have fun!
More take-away chicken!
There's a big hole in the corner of the hutch! Can you see it?
Watch out for the hutch removalists!
The Goldfields Poultry Club merchandise stand was very popular.
Customers inspecting the handmade goodies for sale.
Committee member Laura is happy to give good customer service.
Karen and Sophie from Goldfields Stockfeeds display a sign for sale.
Fresh Esperance eggs for sale.
Merchandise for sale.
Welcome to the newest member of the Goldfields Poultry Club
as a new membership form is completed!
The children had fun in the sun at the poultry auction and sale.
Thanks to Paula for donating the plants for sale to assist in club fundraising.
A variety of herbs and succulents were on offer.
Cheryle did a great job cooking the sausage sizzle on the barb-e-que.
Do you want some sauce with that?
Club members Cheryle and Jess had fun feeding the hungry crowd.
Nice apron Jess!
Club President Shannon puts her hand out for a well earned
sausage in bread (with tomato sauce of course!)
A little girl keeps an eye on some young black poultry as she eats her sausage.
Club Secretary Katherine happily holds four baby roosters.
The baby boys are on show.
Club member Nyree holds a young Belgian D'Uccle rooster.
What an impressive comb you have young man!

Connie loves holding a baby chick.
The club Secretary Katherine bred this cute little silver spangled hamburg chick.
The baby chicks will grow up to look like these
9 week old silver spangled hamburgs.
The bird on the right of the photo takes a nap under his/her wing.
Baby turkeys for sale.
A pair of young hybrid birds of sale.
A curly frizzle pecks some food.
A pair of ducks.
A rear view of some adult silky roosters.
Look at all those feathers and fluff!
The rooster in the middle has a stunning black tail.
It's a pity we can't see his face in the photo!
The poultry auction and sale was heaps of fun and a successful fundraising day.
Thanks to everyone for their help and contribution
to assist the Goldfields Poultry Club.
New members welcome. Find us on fb.
This newspaper story was published on the 18th November 2014.
P.S. Chilli and Nestle stayed home on Sunday and
were definitely not sold at the poultry auction!
The 2 Happy Hens did not have any new additions
to the flock after the event either!