How gorgeous?! Princess Olivia takes her chicken balloon for a walk at the
Kalgoorlie-Boulder Fair last weekend. This is one of Lydia's favourite photos.
Goldfields poultry on show. Well done to the hard working
volunteers who made the poultry show at the Fair a reality.
A prize winning hen begins to lay an egg.
One fresh egg!
I can't see you!
Time for a rest.
An enormous rooster.
Another enormous rooster.
A lovely silver-tailed bird.
The black and white spots on this hen remind
Lydia of a dalmatian (breed of dog).

What's over there?
Nice profile!
A little speckled bantam.
A cute little bantam hen.
A nice little hen whose colouring is similar to Chilli's.
This hen has such a wide tail.
Another cute little hen.
A frizzle having a typical bad hair day!
The frizzle looks a bit angry in this photo!
"Steve" the rooster is such a 'dude' with this cool hair-do!
This photo is another one of Lydia's favourites.
A white silky bantam.
The rooster sits down....
....and then goes to sleep. Sleeping beauty.
A beautiful blue winged duck.
A big black and white pair.
This bird poses for the camera.
The First Place Reserve Champion stands
with its trophy, ribbon and winning certificates.
The Second Place Reserve Champion hen at the poultry show.
The Runner Up Reserve Champion hen in front of the First Place Reserve Champion.
The Second Place Reserve Champion stands
with its trophy, ribbon and winning certificates.
The Grand Champion scratches and pecks some newspaper.
The Grand Champion with its trophies, ribbon and winning certificates.
Prize winning eggs. Look at those unusual green eggs!
The Goldfields produces great quality eggs!
First place prize winning eggs.
These lovely speckled eggs also won first place.
'Best In Show' eggs.
Fluffy little chickens.
What came first? The chicken or the egg?!