The 2 Happy Hens absolutely love eating fresh meal worms;
it's their all time favourite food.
We buy home-grown meal worms locally from our friend Leonie.
Gerard feeds a handful of meal worms to Nestle and Chilli.
The cream flakes is bran which the meal worms feed off
whilst in the storage container in the fridge.
Chilli pushes Nestle out of the way.
Peck, peck, peck. Yum, yum, yum.
Chilli has a patch of meal worms all to herself, lucky Chilli!
The 2 Happy Hens want more meal worms!

Please sir, I want some more!
The 2 Happy Hens look up to Gerard in anticipation.
Nestle gets impatient and jumps up to the
meal worm container in Gerard's hands.
The 2 Happy Hens eat out of Gerard's hand.
They love being hand fed.
We love meal worms!