Nestle has an egg coming and stands in the nesting box in the coop.
Cheeky Chickadee watches on.
The 2 Happy Hens always lay eggs in their favourite
nesting box located on the right hand side of the coop
(which is Chickadee's bed at night time).
Chickadee is too young to lay eggs at the moment;
her first egg is due Easter 2015!
Chickadee eats some food whilst Nestle settles into her nest.
Chickadee is very cute as she sleeps with her head
under her wing whilst Nestle gets broody.
Chickadee takes a nap whilst Nestle starts pushing out her egg.
Chickadee wants to be close to the fresh egg and sits
on the edge of Nestle's nesting box. Nestle is not happy!
Chickadee makes herself comfortable and has another sleep.
Nestle is not impressed!
Nestle abandons her nesting box and egg and walks out!
Chickadee is not sure what is going on!