Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Chickadee Turns 1 Year Old

 Happy hatch day!
Chickadee turns one year old mid October 2015.
Chickadee's profile picture.
Chickadee loves eating green clover.
Chickadee has grown into a large Rhode Island Red hen.
We didn't expect her to grow so big!
The 2 Happy Hens. Chickadee is 1 year old and Nestle is 3.

Friday, 9 October 2015

2 Sleeping Beauties

Nestle sleeps with her head under her wing whilst Chickadee watches on. 
2 sleeping beauties.
Chickadee looks sleepy.
Sitting next to the yellow owl metal garden ornament
 is one of Chickadee's favourite resting places.
A close up of Nestle having a lunch time siesta.
The 2 Happy Hens asleep.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Spring Eggs

Spring has sprung in Australia and the
 2 Happy Hens are laying lots of eggs.
Chickadee sits in the nesting box as she
prepares to lay an egg in the coop.
Nestle looks on as Chickadee stands up after laying an egg. 
Nice egg Chickadee!
 Nestle takes a closer look at the egg.
Chickadee stands over the freshly laid egg
 for a while waiting for the egg shell to set.
 Nestle is getting clucky and inspects the nesting box.
Nestle perches ready to jump into the nesting box.
Nestle sits on Chickadee's egg. 
 Nestle has an egg coming.
Nestle relaxes in the nesting box.
Can see her fat breast resting on the wooden box?
 Nestle has a little sleep in the nesting box
whilst waiting to lay an egg. 
 Chickadee is hungry after laying her egg.
Chickadee munches on laying pallets and has plenty of white shell grit available.
Chickadee stands at the custom built feeding station
 "Dine-a-Chook" located in the shade behind the coop.
The 2 Happy Hens can choose from a seed mix,
laying pallets and fresh water 24/7.
 Chickadee sticks her head under the feeding
 station to eat her favourite seed mix.
Chickadee drinks water from "Wet-a-Chook".
Did you know that chicken eggs are composed of over 50% water?