Monday, 29 May 2017

New Feathers

Nestle's tail has grown back during the last
4-6 weeks after her big moult in April.
Nestle perches under the table
whilst Chickadee crouches.
Chickadee has a spiky head as her new feathers grow.
Chickadee sits in her favourite corner.
This is Lydia's favourite photo of Nestle with her new feathers.
Nestle has grown so many new feathers she has
a line of new fluff hanging loose above her leg.
 Nestle stands on one leg as she prepares to stretch.
Nestle does a big wing stretch and shows off her new wing feathers.
Nestle raises her neck and stands tall showing
off her lovely new plumage on her breast.
 The 2 Happy Hens have a rest around lunch time daily.
Chickadee has a happy and contented look on
her face as she takes a nap sitting behind Nestle.