On 11th October 2021, we welcomed our new
re-homed hens from Perth, Western Australia.
Hello Lexi the white leghorn and Coco the lavender Araucuna.
We are thankful for our friends Tracey and Phil who transported our new pets
in a long car trip from Perth. Lexi and Coco lived in the A-frame coop for
five days whilst they adjusted to their new environment and the three other hens.
Lexi was hand reared in the Goldfields before she moved to Perth with her
previous owner Kat. Kat was downsizing and was looking to re-home her hens,
which was good timing as we wanted to add to our flock after Buffy died.
Several years ago, we bought our beautiful Rhode Island Red hen named
Chickadee off Kat. Kat knew that we would give Lexi and Coco a good home.
Coco used to be named 'Orphan Annie' as she was a solo hen adopted by Kat,
and now re-homed with us. Coco and Lexi were 'buddies' who lived together
with Kat for over a year. We are glad that they have stayed together
and didn't get split up. They are a friendly, mature pair of hens.

Coco is a cute little chatty hen who's a bit flighty.
She lays pale green shelled eggs typical of the Araucana breed.
The flock of five! Lexi is a very calm, chilled big leghorn.
Coco and Speckles fight face-to-face through the wire at the rear
of the A-frame coop as they go for top spot in the pecking order.
Bianco the bantam white leghorn is a miniature version of Lexi!
Frenchy the French Wheaten Maran hen has her head in the feed
bowl as she's a big eater and constantly obsessed with food!
Frenchy and Speckles check out 'the intruders' living in the
A-frame coop whilst Bianco walks away in the background.
On Saturday 16th October, Gerard let Lexi and Coco out of the
A-frame coop so they could meet the other hens and have a big
fight to sort out the pecking order. It was a close call who was going
to be top hen, with the results being: Speckles (boss), Coco (2IC),
Lexi, Frenchy and Bianco.
We are pleased that they have all settled in quickly.