Monday 14 January 2013

Good Bye Giblet

Giblet died suddenly on Sunday night 30th December 2012
aged 2 years and 9.5 months. We didn't expect to lose Giblet less
than 8 weeks after her sister Curry. 

Giblet will be remembered as a regal and majestic hen.  
Giblet was a sensible hen who was always on the look out. 
Giblet was a sensible bird and liked to 'chicken chatter'.
Giblet loved the greenery, especially the daisy bushes. 
 She was the protector of the yard and of her sister Curry.
 Giblet was renowned as being the "Preen Queen" and spent
many hours each day preening and making herself look beautiful.
 Miss Giblet loved to sunbake.
 Giblet was always so clean with shiny feathers.
Giblet slept more during the day as she got older. 
Fast asleep....head right down...
Good bye Miss Giblet. We will miss you and Curry.
May you be a happy hen forever.
Thanks to our good friend Laurie for his assistance
 during Giblet's last day with us.


  1. I am so sorry to read about Curry and Giblet, I have enjoyed the pictures you have shared of them, and then this Blog that you created for them. It is nice that you have new feathered friends in their place, and I hope to continue reading their adventures. My sympathy for your loss and best wishes for the new additions from Sprouty. :-)

  2. Hi Sprout,
    Thanks for your kind words about our first 2 hens, Curry and Giblet. We miss them heaps as they were very good pets. They taught us a lot about owning birds and the fun of backyard poultry. Our 2 new additions named Chilli and Nestle have very different personalities to the original 2 Happy Hens, and are as spoilt as ever!
    Keep in touch, lovely to hear from you.
    Regards, Lydia
